Motherhood: Embracing the Slower Moments

I recently received a text message from a friend that brought me to tears. She painted a picture of a vision she received while praying for me: She saw our whole family "meandering through a beautifully cultivated garden...enjoying the scents of flowers, with the girls skipping up the cobblestone walkway." Her message closed with "God does have a destination for you. There is so much to be found in the journey, and the moments that feel slow may be the sweetest."

Knowing how much I've struggled with our recent move and parenting our girls, and feeling so uncertain about our future, this message from my friend brought much hope and healing to my heart. This has been a season of motherhood that has felt at times impossible. Caris, being only 4, needs me in a different way than June, who’s almost 13 {gulp}. Between working on the business, mothering our girls, perpetually cleaning our home and getting meals made, most days I have felt utterly exhausted, and wonder how to keep going. And I struggle with feeling like I'm balancing raising the kids and the business well, and giving my husband my undivided attention. And I often feel guilty whenever I start to get impatient with the girls or feel like they are impeding on my time. Does this sound familiar?

So, in this season of my life, I'm posturing myself to learn to slow down, and to really truly enjoy the girls and these slower moments. I'm learning to trust that God brought us to this new place for a reason that He is just starting to unfold, and that it's OK when things aren't in place (a messy house stresses me out like none other) -- the dishes sit overnight, and the house isn't spotless at any given moment for any surprise guests, or there are 3 loads of laundry waiting to be folded and put away, and I had hardly gotten any work done during the day...

We make having dinner together as a priority, we hold each other's hands to pray for our meals, thanking God for providing yet again a feast for us to enjoy. We make it a rule to not talk about work at the dinner table. We act silly and laugh hearty laughs a lot at Caris' newest sayings (which are all very cute).

I am better now than I have been before at allowing myself the time to rest when my body needs it, and a break whenever I can to do something "nice" for myself. It doesn't have to be anything fancy - my latest has been soaking in a hot bath while reading a favorite book. When the evenings get hard with bedtime routines, I look forward to a phone chat with a friend after the kids go to bed. My husband and I go on date nights more now on Friday evenings when big sis can stay with little sis (who's usually snoring away!).
Life is still messy and still feels impossible some days, but it does feel a bit more manageable and enjoyable when I can let some things go and choose to go at a slower pace with our girls. It is my prayer that, if you're in a similar season of motherhood as me, that you can try to enjoy the journey and soak in the slow moments.
P.S. These crinkled chiffon dresses in Antique Floral are coming to the shop soon...stay tuned!
P.P.S. Special thanks must be given to my friends @chelseamarasphoto and @leah_california (who provided the hats and darling basket) for teaming up with me for this incredible dream shoot with my girls. We are giving away amazing prizes to one special mama this Mother's Day HERE.
P.P.P.S And also to my new friend Katya @katem_mua_oc for my beautiful makeup and hair + June's hair. If you are in the Orange County area and need a MUA, she's your gal!
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